Attentive dentist listening to female patient in cabinet

Things Your Dentist May Not Tell You after a Dental Filling

A dental filling is a common procedure to treat a cavity, but many patients may experience mild to moderate pain and discomfort afterwards. After a dental filling, taking care of your mouth and watching for any signs of discomfort is important. Our dentists recommend avoiding chewing hard foods, sticky sweets, and hot or cold drinks for at least 24 hours after filling. 

If you’re experiencing pain or sensitivity, you can take over-the-counter pain medication and use a cold compress on your cheek. Please call our office to book a follow-up if the pain persists. But before your visit, remember these to prevent more serious oral concerns.

Post-Filling Pain

If you have a new dental filling that is causing you pain, it may be because the filling is too high. This can happen as you move your jaw, speak, or chew. If the filling happens to be higher than the rest of your pearly whites, it is at a higher risk of cracking. Contact your dentist to have the filling smoothed or reshaped.

Adjacent Tooth Pain

After you get a dental filling, you may feel pain in the teeth next to the tooth that got the filling. This is normal and doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with your teeth. The tooth with the new filling is probably just sending signals to the nearby teeth. The pain should go away in one to two weeks.

If you experience any toothache-like symptoms after your new dental filling, it could be a sign that decay has reached the tooth’s pulp. If this is the case, you could require a root canal, so call your dentist if you think this may be a concern.

Post-Filling Sensitivity

The dental filling may cause increased sensitivity to cold or hot food and air for up to three weeks. You may also feel increased sensitivity from the pressure of biting with the new dental filling, particularly if the filling covers a deeper cavity. 

To avoid this problem after a filling, start brushing with a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. We also recommend avoiding hot or cold foods and drinks. For the first few weeks, try chewing your food on the other side of your mouth. Please contact our dentist’s office if the sensitivity does not go away after two weeks.

Sharp Pain in the Actual Filling

After your new filling is put in, you may notice that it is not as comfortable as it was when you were in the dentist’s chair. This is because your jaw is moving, and the anesthetic is wearing off. You may also notice that the filling is too high or that some sharp edges need to be smoothed. Contact your dentist for a quick follow-up so that they can address the problem.

Addressing Cavities

If your teeth are sensitive after getting a dental filling, talk to your dentist about other types of fillings. Each patient reacts differently to various types of metal fillings. Your dentist can also take extra preventive measures, like using a base, liner, or desensitizing agent.

Learn All about These on the First Visit at Weymouth Dental Arts

At Weymouth Dental Arts, we don’t let our patients discover these problems post-op. We supply them with necessary dental fillings while providing all necessary information for optimal post-dental filling care. Book your appointment with a dentist in Weymouth, MA, and learn more about fillings on our website!

Male dentist showing patient the artificial dentures

Let’s Look at the Popularity of Hybrid Implant Dentures

A hybrid implant denture is a type of denture attached to dental implants. Unlike traditional dentures, which are not attached to anything and can therefore slip and slide around in your mouth, hybrid implant dentures are firmly attached to your jawbone, providing a level of stability and security that is unmatched by any other type of denture. Here’s everything you need to know about this revolutionary dental tool.

Hybrid implant dentures are a type of denture that uses a full set of high-quality prosthetics to replace a full row of teeth. They differ from regular dentures in that your dentist fixes them into your mouth using a set of four dental implants, which support a titanium or gold bar that anchors a set of acrylic teeth. This bar is permanently fixed in one place and can only be removed by a dentist or oral surgeon.

Why Do Dentists Enjoy Using Them on Patients?

  • More affordable costs: Dental implants are the best way to replace a tooth, but they can be expensive. A single tooth implant can cost $1,500, and a full mouth of implants can cost $10,000 for just one row. In fact, a full row of dental implants (up and down) can reach as high as $23,000 without insurance! This is too expensive for many people. 

    On the other hand, a hybrid implant denture is a type of denture that uses both artificial teeth and implants to support the denture. The implants are usually placed in the jawbone, and the artificial teeth are then attached to the implants. This type of denture is much more stable than a traditional denture and looks and feels more natural.Best of all is the actual cost. Since hybrid implants only use four total implants on one row of teeth, they only cost around $9,000 each without insurance!


  • Easier care: There are several different types of tooth replacement options available, each with its own set of pros and cons:
    • Dentures are the most affordable option but require the most maintenance and can be a hassle to keep clean. You must take your dentures out nightly for maintenance.
    • Dental implants are more expensive, but they are much easier to care for and don’t require special cleaning products or procedures.
    • Hybrid implant dentures are the most expensive option, but they offer the best of both worlds in ease of care and affordability. You can clean your dental implant like your natural teeth using regular toothpaste and water. There’s no need for special denture creams, adhesives, or liquids.
    • While dental implants are more costly and take more time to fix or replace, dentists can repair a broken hybrid denture easily.
    • The only difficulty in fixing a broken hybrid denture is replacing the titanium bar—but bar replacements have a very high success rate.

A hybrid implant denture may be a good option if you miss teeth. This type of denture uses both traditional denture materials as well as implants to secure the denture in place. With good oral hygiene, hybrid implant dentures can last for many years.

Get Hybrid Implants at Weymouth Dental Arts

At Weymouth Dental Arts, we offer denture patients a denture stabilization procedure that uses titanium implants to lock their dentures in place. Book your appointment with a dentist in Weymouth, MA, and learn more about hybrid implants on our website!

Upset woman having an intense dental pain

How You Can Determine What Dental Emergencies Are

There are a few different scenarios that would generally be considered dental emergencies. If you have a tooth that has been knocked out, are experiencing a severe toothache, have a large amount of swelling in your mouth or face, or have a cut or laceration on your tongue, gums, or cheek, you should seek emergency dental care right away.

But what constitutes one, and how do you determine them?

First, Ask Yourself These Questions

  • Am I experiencing severe pain or heavy bleeding? This may signify a more serious condition, and you should seek medical attention immediately.
  • Is there an infection in my mouth? If you feel you have or spot an abscess or serious infection, you should seek treatment immediately, as it could be life-threatening.
  • Do I have a lost tooth? It’s important to seek treatment quickly. There is a possibility the tooth can be saved if you receive treatment soonest. If you do, see a dentist right away. Adults should never lose teeth, so a loose tooth is a serious problem. Even if you’re not in pain, you need to have it checked out.

Then, Pay Attention to These Most Common Signs

  • Sudden toothaches: Your teeth are important for more than just aesthetics. They are integral for proper chewing and digesting food, speaking clearly, and maintaining good oral health. When you have a toothache, it can quickly disrupt your daily life and routine.

    While there are many potential causes of tooth pain, it is important to seek professional dental care as soon as possible to ensure that the issue is properly diagnosed and treated. Emergency dental care can help you get relief from your toothache and get your life back to normal.

  • Gum problems: If your gums are bleeding for no reason or while brushing them, it’s a good idea to see your dentist. They can determine if there’s an underlying issue causing the bleeding.

  • Swelling in the mouth or jaw: If your mouth or jaw suddenly becomes swollen for no apparent reason, you should visit an emergency dentist for immediate treatment. An infection, irritation to your lymph nodes, or some other factor may be causing the swelling, and professional dental care is necessary.

  • Exposed nerves: Exposed nerves are extremely painful and can lead to infection, further nerve damage, or serious dental problems. Seek dental help immediately.

  • A knocked-out tooth: If you have pearly whites that have been knocked out of the gumline, it’s important to take quick action. If you see a dentist right away, they may be able to reinsert and preserve them.

  • Missing filling(s): If you have a missing tooth filling, it’s important to call your dentist right away. Without the filling, your tooth is at risk of breaking, chipping, and exposing the nerves. This can lead to other dental issues that require immediate treatment.

  • Damaged crowns: If your dental crown falls off or breaks, it’s important to schedule an emergency dental visit to replace it. Without a dental crown, your tooth is exposed and vulnerable to infection and damage.

Get a Dentist from Weymouth to Solve All These and More

If you’re unsure about dental emergencies, you can drop by Weymouth Dental Arts immediately! We’re a clinic that provides customized dental care to patients of all ages. Book your appointment through our website!

Dental Fillings and Restorations

Dental fillings help “fill in” an area where tooth decay was removed. They can be made from a single material or a mixture of metal, plastic, glass or other materials. Fillings can also be used for the repair of broken or cracked teeth, as well as worn-down teeth caused by things like tooth grinding or nail biting.

Some materials used in dental fillings include:

  • Gold
  • Porcelain
  • Silver amalgam (mercury combined with tin, silver, copper and zinc)
  • Composite resin, used in tooth-colored fillings

Disadvantages of Silver Fillings 

Silver amalgam fillings are effective for filling cavities caused by tooth decay. Although they are not made of pure silver, they are often called silver fillings because of their appearance and color.

Although silver amalgam fillings are long-lasting and relatively inexpensive, they are not without some disadvantages. One is the fact that these fillings do not match the color of the teeth, making them really stand out.

They can also cause discoloration of the teeth over time. Silver amalgam fillings can cause sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.

dental fillings | smiling man

Advantages of Tooth-Colored Restorations 

Composite resin fillings have the advantage of closely matching the color of surrounding teeth so that they blend in with your smile. Composite is made from a combination of plastic resin and powdered glass, and is commonly used for inlays, veneers, crowns and fillings.

Replacing Silver Fillings With a Tooth-Colored Restoration

Here are some reasons why you may want to replace an old silver filling with a tooth-colored restoration:

New Cavity

Most people don’t know that after a tooth has had a dental filling, it can still develop cavities. In fact, bacteria love to hang around the edge of dental fillings. So if you develop a new cavity at the edge of an existing filling, or underneath one, you may want to replace it with a tooth-colored filling.

Opening at Filling Edge 

In time, old silver fillings can began pulling away from a tooth, creating a small crack between the tooth and filling, leaving space for bacteria to hide and create tooth decay.

Cracked Tooth

It is not uncommon for a tooth to develop a crack around a dental filling. In some cases, a large filling can place undue stress on a tooth, leading to it becoming cracked. Once a crack has formed, bacteria can gain entry and cause tooth decay. This situation offers a good opportunity to replace an old silver filling with a new, tooth-colored one.

What To Expect

Your dentist would begin by numbing any teeth receiving fillings using a local anesthetic. They will remove all tooth decay with a dental drill. In the case of a tooth-colored filling, they would place composite within the tooth and mold it to fit the space within the tooth.

Your dentist applies composite in a series of layers, using a special light to harden the material after it has been applied. Your filling will appear very natural and restore the function of your tooth.

Pediatric Dentist Near Me: The Importance of Regular Pediatric Dentistry Visits

Almost 20% of kids between the ages of two and 19 have untreated tooth decay, according to the CDC. This surprising fact highlights the need for regular pediatric dentistry visits to educate parents and children in proper oral hygiene and to spot early signs of tooth decay.

Prevention Is Key

Dental problems lead to a loss of over 50 million school hours each year for children. It is recommended that children undergo routine dental checkups, as well as dental cleanings to safeguard their oral health and smile.

Dental Cleanings

Young children should have dental checkups at least twice yearly, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. These important visits ensure that your child’s teeth remain free of cavities and that they can proudly display their teeth and smile.

A dental cleaning appointment usually involves a dental exam, in which your child’s dental team will be checking their teeth, mouth, gums, and related structures to ensure their health. This important visit also involves cleaning any plaque or tartar accumulations from their teeth to help prevent gum disease.

If any issues were detected, the dentist may be called in to take a look. If any treatments are recommended, you can go ahead and schedule them at this time.

Child smiling Weymouth pediatric dentistry

Fluoride Treatments

After we have cleaned your child’s teeth, we may recommend that they receive a fluoride treatment to prevent cavities and strengthen teeth. Just a few minutes of time allows us to brush a clear varnish onto the teeth of your child. After that, they just need to wait at least 30 minutes before eating and drinking to give their teeth time to absorb the fluoride.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a great way to protect your child’s teeth, particularly those hard-to-reach back molars. This is a fast and simple treatment that puts up a protective shield over these teeth, locking out oral bacteria and preventing tooth decay. In fact, the American Dental Association has found that sealants prevent up to 80% of childhood cavities.

  • Fast treatment
  • No drilling or anesthesia required
  • Prevents the need for costly dental work in the future

Schedule Your Child’s Appointment

If you found yourself recently searching Google for “pediatric dentist near me,” we invite you to contact our office today. Whether it’s to schedule a dental exam or cleaning, receive educational resources on oral hygiene, or to simply meet and greet our dental team, we stand ready to assist your child in maintaining their oral health for years to come. Contact us today!